“Sleep Reset in 12 Steps”

Sleep problems happen to everyone, but not everyone with sleep problems is an insomniac.

What if your sleep problems aren’t chronic, but a recent disruption due to lifestyle changes or new stressors?

You could use a sleep reset. With “Sleep Reset in 12 Steps”, Paul Bright- Certified Sleep Science Coach– has the path you can take to get your sleep back on track starting as soon as you’re done with the first chapter!

 You will gain valuable, high impact sleep insight, such as:
  • How movement, noise, and light-when applied correctly- can make you sleepy
  • Ways to trick your body into craving bedtime
  • Sleep-wrecking stimulants you may be overlooking
  • The four life domains where you have the most impact on sleep

You’re not just learning from a sleep science coach. You’re learning from a military veteran who overcame the haunting fear of sleep paralysis, insufferable insomnia, midnight panic attacks and endless sleep anxiety over two decades.

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